Category: Easter season (Page 1 of 2)

St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, Albany, Ga.

My Dear Parishioners,

Lord, have mercy!  “The prayers seem not to be answered or God doesn’t seem to be listening!” someone wrote me.  Fear of the unknown, fear of contracting a possibly deadly disease or fear of becoming the one infected by showing no signs and then spreading it to others, causes our hearts to tremble and make statements like the one above. … Read the rest

Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown, Episcopal Bishop of Maine: Self Care for Leaders in the Diocese

Dear Friends,

We are all called to support, respond, and minister to the needs of our congregations and communities.  The coming days and weeks will also demand vigilant care for nourishing ourselves so we can welcome each day with hope and faith. Now is a moment to trust God to give us large measures of gentleness and kindness, for surely they will lead us to a promised land.… Read the rest

Bishop Stanovsky: Can we meet outdoors on Easter?


Bishop, I heard Governor Cuomo’s address this morning and one of the things he noted is that the blanket action to close everything needs to be made with the added information they have gained. He said now strategic decision making needs to be brought to bear so that portions of the population that need to stay home should and others could be allowed to go to work and start the economy slowly and thoughtfully.… Read the rest

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