10 Stewardship “Do’s” during the pandemic and one “Do NOT” (undated, before July 30)… Read the rest
Category: Fundraising
9 Steps to Re-opening Mosques Safely (undated, before July 6 2020)… Read the rest
Amidst all the flurry of activity to care well for their churches during this difficult time, questions like these sit near the top of pastors’ minds: “With giving dropping, what are we going to do?” “Even if there’s enough cash in the bank for the time being, will we be forced to make drastic cuts to our budget over the next year to make the numbers balance?”… Read the rest
WHAT’S IN YOUR POCKET? Sharing what we have with those who have less.
Members and friends of The United Methodist Church in the Greater Northwest,
… Read the rest“From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required
and from the one to whom much has been entrusted,
even more will be demanded.”
Dear Leaders,
As we navigate these incredibly difficult times for our country and the global community, I continue to hold you and our wider UU community in my heart. I am so grateful for the ministry and care you offer and the example we, as Unitarian Universalists, are setting in putting community care and compassion at the forefront of our efforts and decisions.… Read the rest
COVID-19 is changing the way the world interacts and the church is not immune to those changes. Amid social distancing and shelter in place orders, many churches have either canceled worship or moved to a virtual form of worship. Pastors and sessions are looking for creative ways to be the church in a quickly changing landscape.… Read the rest
Our Sunday morning gatherings become complicated during a time of pandemic. How we need to change our programs and practices depends on the level of vulnerability of our congregation’s people and the level of concern articulated by our local health departments.… Read the rest
Many have contacted the administrative offices of the Diocese of Burlington with questions, suggestions and/or demands regarding how the Church in its various agencies — parishes, chapels, schools, charitable agencies and residence housing — should respond to the present crisis brought on by COVID-19. … Read the rest
About Covid-19
1. What are coronaviruses?
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses causing illnesses ranging from the common cold to pneumonia (a more severe lung infection). There are now 7 types of coronaviruses which cause disease in humans: 4 cause common cold; 2 cause serious disease (SARS, MERS); the latest coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) causes COVID-19 disease.… Read the rest