January 13, 2025

How the iPhone changed the future of society

     Technology is more available now than ever before.  All it takes is to walk down any street in America, and more likely than not you’ll spot a smartphone.  If you’re in a city, I would bet a smartwatch and Airpods can also be easily detected.  Technology is everywhere.  This, obviously, has not always been the case and it seems that every year the presence of technology has risen exponentially in society.  With the world becoming increasingly attached to our precious technology, it makes me question the future of our society as I have already recognized the changes in norms and practices.  Is this really what is best for us?  

     It is easy for my generation to recognize the rapid change in technology, and it is even more recognizable for the generation before ours.  The presence of tech in the lives of humans 50 years ago seems like centuries prior to where we are now.  If a time traveller left 1970 and arrived in 2020, I have no doubt that they would believe a century must have gone by.  So how did we get here so quickly, and what does it mean for our society?  The increase in technology is in part due to the rapid rise in scientific discovery, as the two are directly related.  As scientific understanding has progressed so too has the access to technology.  The main factor that propelled our society into an irreversible technological dependent one was the smartphone.  

     Few argue that the iPhone was one of the most life changing and societal altering innovations of all time.  Apple’s newfound ability to combine a computer with a telephone was a breakthrough, and it initiated a societal revolution that continues today.  Since its first launch in 2007 the iPhone has given people an unprecedented ability to gather information.  We hold the entire internet in our pockets, and people in areas where this access may not have been available have benefited even more so.  The iPhone has evened the playing field for many, as regardless of your location if you have an iPhone you have the same access to information as people all around the world.  In addition to the unlimited access to information, the iPhone has transformed society by making the world smaller and smaller.  Within seconds you can be speaking to someone on the opposite side of the world, even seeing their face in live time.  This technology has allowed many to recognize the interconnectedness of our planet, and has led our society to develop closer links with regions across the world.  Despite these positive impacts to society, there have been many negative influences as well.  

     As a society our practices have been altered since the iPhone has spread throughout the world.  Many have lost touch with their social skills, and I worry that the next generation will have even less ability to navigate the social world.  People hide behind their screens to avoid confrontation or awkwardness, however these experiences are what have led the human race to become mentally stronger and overcome obstacles.  I worry the most about the children, as they are growing up in an environment where these factors have never been more prevalent.  The next 20 years will be crucial to the future of our society, and I believe we need to be more careful about how much technology we let into our lives.  

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