September 15, 2024

Who is benefiting most from GMOs?

Genetically modified organisms can be seen as a great advance for science. Genetically modified organisms have led to genetically modified foods. Genetically modified foods have the potential to be a big contributor to helping end world hunger and increasing crop production. 

The real question is when it comes to genetically modified organisms, who is benefiting most from them? Those who benefit most should be the people and not the big corporations. However it seems that the big corporations are the ones who are benefiting most. 

While genetically modified foods seem to be beneficial there are also some cons. Genetically modified foods are a higher price than normal, which leads to it not being available to all. Farmers have to buy new genetically modified organisms seeds every year which is also expensive. Some of these seeds, in order for them to thrive, require specific pesticides that the farmer then has to use. Corporations have patents on life forms so there is a monopoly on certain seeds, and all of this leads to a cycle of higher cost for the farmer and lower income for them. 

Genetically modified organisms goods can be beneficial, but because they have been developed by large corporations some of the good qualities have been left out. Some of the benefits could be that the product could be modified based on local taste, or that it could be modified to the consumer’s preference. Genetically modified organisms could also be used to produce food with better nutritional value, like golden rice. Golden rice is an example of a rice that has been genetically modified to have better nutritional value to benefit those who eat it. Having food with better nutritional value could help impoverished people who can only afford certain foods and need all their nutritional value from those foods.

Genetically modified organisms and genetically modified food have the potential to do great things for the world. There needs to be more regulation put on those companies that are producing the genetically modified organisms seeds. There needs to be more incentive for these companies to think of the greater good of the world and how they can contribute to this and less about making a profit off of their modifications. 

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