February 15, 2025

Basis of Social Darwinism and the Herero Genocide

     Through this course we have learned how science affects all aspects of life, and the extensive ways it gets manipulated throughout time to impact things that were not necessarily designed for it to impact.  Mary Shelley’s story of Frankenstein, for example, continues to influence the way people think about the future of genetic editing and possible cloning till this day.  One of the most unique results of scientific discovery is the forming of the ideas of Social Darwinism in the late 19th century.  Although sharing the same name as Charles Darwin, these theories solely applied the biological concepts that Darwin wrote about to fields such as politics, sociology, and more.  Born out of Europe and the US, these thinkers believed that Darwin’s ideas of survival of the fittest and natural selection applied to both race and ethnicity.  Clearly these thoughts were not erected by Darwin during his study of Finches in the Galapagos, but were manipulated views of his teachings translated into different social realms to abuse power and influence.  It is well known that Darwin was against slavery, and was a firm promoter of equality and fair representation.  Due to this background, Darwin would never stand with the theories of Social Darwinism, as it uses his scientific theory of evolution for an unscientific purpose to increase inequality.

     Social Darwinism was a large influencer for the Nazi Germany regime and their imperialistic efforts.  This was becoming a common tendency for many European nations and the US at the turn of the century, as their imperialistic pursuits and goals continued to grow.  Historian’s David Olusoga and Casper W. Erichsen speak to this by saying,  “The white races had claimed territory across the globe by right of strength and conquestAlongside the clearing of land, the coming of the railroad, and the settlement of white farmers, the eradication of indigenous tribes became a symbol of modernity. Social Darwinism thus cast itself as an agent of progress”.  This explanation effectively shows how Social Darwinism became the leading influence behind Nazi Germany’s and many other nations, imperialistic efforts.  Darwin’s biological teachings in his book On the Origin of Species were never meant to be used to oppress cultures, however it is exactly what happened in the Herero Nama Genocide.  

     This genocide took place between Nazi Germany and the indigenous peoples throughout the colony of German South-West Africa.  After almost 20 years of strict oppression from the Germans, the Herero people decided to finally rise against local German leadership.  Witnessing the rise in opposition the German General Lothar von Trotha was assigned to take over command of the colony in an effort to minimize the opposition from the indigenous peoples.  Von Trotha’s assignment to this position led to some of the most oppressive actions in history, as the genocide is remembered today by its brutality and its similarities to the holocaust.  Von Trotha stated that he was assigned to, “annihilate the revolting tribes with streams of blood”, which is exactly what happened as between 20,000-100,000 Herero’s were killed in the short span of 4 years.  This conflict was a result of Nazi Germany and Social Darwinism, the two of which combined to form one of the most evil enemies the world has ever seen.  

     General von Trotha is a prime reason for the attribution of Social Darwinism principles to this conflict.  The military leader was known for his violence and race inequality, and his treatment of the indigenous peoples of the German colony is fundamentally evil.  Nazi Germany, and other nations that used Social Darwinism as reasoning for expansionism and oppression have been looked down upon throughout history.  Social Darwinism has become largely discredited due to the Nazi’s and other nations as it is inherently racist and oppressive.  Social Darwinism has no roots in science, and yet still misuses the theories and teachings that Charles Darwin explains in On the Origin of Species.  Darwin’s findings are strictly scientific, and should be treated as such for the rest of the future. 

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