January 20, 2025

Progressive and Regressive Ideas

Charles Darwin helped shape the idea of evolution as we understand it today. Scientific interpretations of Darwin’s theory of evolution had both positive and negative impacts on the relationship between science and society. 

Darwin’s ideas of evolution and natural selection are important because they have led to so many other scientific discoveries. The theory of evolution was a pivotal point in the history of science and society. Before the theory of evolution, God was widely believed to be the creator of everything and also the explanation for why the natural world is the way it is. A grasp on evolution enabled scientists to begin examining how animals and humans have changed over time. Embracing Darwin’s theory marked a shift away from religious explanations of the natural world and towards scientifically-backed reasoning. While this paradigm shift from religious thinking did not happen overnight, Darwin’s idea opened the door to start the conversation. Accepting the idea of evolution gave way to new fields of research. For example, the study of hereditary diseases. Understanding hereditary diseases helped lead to medicines and cures. Oftentimes finding the root of the problem also helps to find the solution, and without evolution theory, scientists would not know where to find the cause of the problem. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is the basis for many fields of science and research today. 

While most scientific theories stemming from Darwin’s theory of evolution were good, some were bad. Eugenics is one product of the theory of evolution that had long-lasting negative effects. Eugenics stems, specifically, from the idea of natural selection and the notation of survival of the fittest. Francis Galton coined the term eugenics. He framed it as a scientific field that worked to improve the human race by way of unscientific methods and data. Eugenicists claimed that certain sized, shaped, or colored body features were superior. Those who did not have the ideal physical characteristics were all considered to be inferior. Nazis most famously used eugenics as their reasoning for discriminating against the Jewish people. Hitler’s use of eugenics made it unpopular. While the United States condemned Hitler’s treatment of Jewish people the United States also used eugenics and sterilized women under government care. Eugenics was also used in the United States to rationalize racial discrimination. Throughout the 20th century, eugenics was deeply seeded in discrimination across society. Eugenics was backward thinking instead of forward thinking for the scientific community. Today it is widely understood that the science that once supported eugenics has been debunked. The effects of eugenics still linger. While overwhelmingly Charles Darwin’s scientific contributions were good for society, there were some areas of his studies that lead to societal digressions. 

The theory of evolution was a novel idea that provided answers to mysteries of the natural world. Paradigm shifts like the adoption of the theory of evolution in society are open for interpretation. While the understanding of evolution marked a shift to progressive thinking, it also allowed people to use their agendas to prompt less progressive ideas. All scientific and technological discoveries can be used for personal gain rather than greater societal progress.


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