January 17, 2025

Technological Advancements of WWI, WWII, and the Cold War

World War I (WWI), known as the “war to end all wars” was a conflict that saw immense destruction and also introduced new types of technologies and warfare never seen before. WWI, which began in 1914, saw the death of roughly sixteen million people. During this war, there were many new types of technology that contributed to the death and destruction. One new type of technology that was introduced was the usage of chemical warfare. Mustard Gas was used by both sides. Gas masks were required in order to combat Mustard Gas. It was extremely toxic if breathed in and the only way to combat this type of chemical warfare was gas masks. Additionally, using chemical warfare was risky for the side using it as well. If the wind shifted, it would blow the gas back towards the side using it.  Following WWI, the Geneva Protocol was signed and banned the use of chemical weapons in warfare. Another type of technology used in WWI was tanks. The British used the Mark V tank which brought them closer to victory against the Germans. Also, German morale reached its lowest point with the introduction of tanks since they were effective. Machine guns were also introduced during the war. This new type of weapon contributed to the death toll since it allowed for soldiers to continue firing without reloading for longer periods of time. The telephone and telegraph were widely used in WWI which allowed for more open communication. This allowed strategies to be communicated in a much easier process. New types of medicine were also first introduced in WWI. Once Germany surrendered, the Treaty of Versailles was created and placed severe reparations on Germany. The treaty also placed the sole blame of the war on Germany. These punishments ultimately paved the way for WWII which would be even more destructive than WWI.

A British Mark V tank of the 2nd Battalion, Tank Corps crossing the ditch  at the side of a road at Lamotte-en-Santerre, 8 August 1… | Ww1 tanks,  World war one, Tank

Mark V tank

While WWI was destructive, WWII saw more death and destruction due to technological advancements. WWII witnessed the death of roughly sixty million people, more than three times the number of deaths in WWI. In WWII, civilians were targeted as well. Cities were often destroyed. New planes such as the B-17 bomber were introduced which contributed to the destruction. Nationalism was also a large component of WWII. Nazis introduced the notion of the Aryan race. Penicillin was also created and allowed for better medical treatment of soldiers. Many of the technologies that were new during WWI were expanded upon in WWII. The war in the Pacific between Japan and the US saw the usage of large naval battleships. Many of the technologies used have been expanded upon and are still a large part of the US navy today. Radar was also first introduced and used. The biggest technological advancement that resulted from WWII was the development of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons caused destruction on a scale never seen before. It led to the development of new findings in the field of atomic energy. The development of nuclear weapons led to the Cold War. There weren’t as many new technologies introduced that were completely new and innovative. Many of the technology introduced in WWII is still widely used today, however, it is more advanced. The technologies developed in WWII set the path for many new findings in science as well. While WWII was a tragedy that seems unimaginable, the technological advancements that resulted from the conflict wouldn’t have been invented without the war occurring. The tensions that resulted between the US and Soviet Union during WWII set the stage for the Cold War.


A Short History of the B-17

B-17 “Flying-Fortress”

    The Cold War saw the increase of tensions between the US and the Soviet Union and almost saw the destruction of both countries. Nuclear weapons were developed to end WWII, however, the Soviet Union was able to create their own nuclear weapons in order to combat the United States. Nuclear weapons made the US the global hegemon, but with the Soviet Union creating their own, it leveled the playing field. The Cold War was not a war fought on a battlefield, but it saw threats and acts of deterrence by both sides. New technologies were also developed during the Cold War. Missile silos and other ways of launching missiles were developed that allowed for nuclear arms to be launched. Nuclear weapons were also now able to be launched through other methods such as submarines. These new ways of launching nuclear weapons increased the likelihood of using them. Additionally, the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) was coined. It stated that if one country launched nuclear weapons, the other country would launch them as well, therefore destroying both nations. There would be no clear winner if MAD occurred. Despite these wars being extremely destructive, many new advancements were made that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.





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