January 18, 2025

Is Technological Advancement Synonymous to Societal Advancement?

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. ~Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World, was a brilliant 20th century British author. His quote regarding technological advancement poses a serious question, that is still relevant to this day. Is technology, and its ever increasing presence in day to day lives, a contributing factor to the regression of the human race? This idea posed by Huxley was in fact way ahead of his time. When Huxley wrote his famed novel in 1932, technology was a new and exciting thing, that only seemed to improve the quality of life for everyone. Fast forward 90 years from the publication of Brave New World, and this quote strikes a particularly staggering note.

The increasing accessibility of technology poses many problems to many, especially young minds who are still learning and acquiring habits. One of the main problems with technology today is its ability to distract attention away from the “real world”. This distraction can come in many forms, social media, video games, and other forms of entertainment often lead young minds on the wrong paths. Many people believe that millennials and generation Z have become too reliant on technology, and do not have the mental fortitude and strength to get things done on their own. Some experienced workers have said that millennials have a lower work ethic, and do not truly know how to get things done on their own. “According to a new report from the consulting group Workplace Options, more than three quarters of Americans surveyed say that the millennial generation suffers from a lack of work ethic, and almost half believe that Gen Y’s are less engaged in their jobs than older workers” (2). As Huxley explained in his quote, while technology continues to progress, the people who grow up with more help from technology can become overly reliant. This poses serious issues when it comes to developing self-responsibility and a strong work ethic.

Although technology can be seen as a detriment to the work ethic and communication skills for future generations, Huxley did not mention or predict the positive impacts of technology. To begin, technology has allowed for incredible advancements in the fields of medicine and biology. These advancements were made possible through improvements in communication and machinery. In addition, technological advancements have allowed for high levels of food production. With the current state of overpopulation, the earth would have already exceeded its carrying capacity, if not for technological advancements in agriculture. A third major positive that has come off the back of technological advancement is that it is a huge aid in education. Children now can learn about current events in every corner of the world, giving them the chance to be global citizens. The children of today have so many opportunities and resources available to them to help make the world a better place.

Science and technology have always been intertwined. Any person trying to advance technology is at least in part a scientist. It is impossible to create new technology without thinking about the science behind it. STS as a discipline takes into account many different fields of science and technology, and how they contribute to culture and society as a whole. Huxley’s quote describes the detrimental effects of technology, as it can act as a catalyst for human regression. Regardless of whether Huxley’s outlook on technological advancement is truly right or wrong, it is clear that technology plays a massive role in the past, present and future of society.


Works Cited

1: https://www.neh.gov/humanities/2015/novemberdecember/feature/the-talented-mr-huxley

2: https://ericchester.com/news-flash-study-finds-millennials-deficient-work-ethic/



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