Claudia Sánchez-Gutiérrez
Claudia is working as an assistant professor at the Spanish and Portuguese department at the University of California, Davis. She is currently working on a project that aims at creating a lexical frequency database of Spanish as a Second Language that will lead to more controlled psycholinguistic experiments in this field of study.
Carrie Potter, ’09
Carrie Potter received her master’s degree in psychology from Temple University, where she is currently a fifth year doctoral candidate in the clinical psychology program. Carrie’s research and clinical interests center on the connection between anxiety disorders and chronic medical conditions. She’s particularly interested in investigating why individuals with anxiety disorders tend to engage in behaviors that compromise their physical health, such as abuse of drugs/alcohol, underutilization of contraception, and avoidance of preventive medical care. As a student therapist, Carrie has worked with patients experiencing a broad range of mental health issues related to chronic medical conditions, such as HIV, heart disease, and chronic pain.
Ana Jijon, ’10
Ana is still living in London. After working as a Recovery Worker at a Drug and Alcohol service for the past past one and a half years, she is starting a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at University of Surrey at the end of September.
Chelsea Stillman, ’10
Chelsea Stillman obtained her PhD in Psychology (Lifespan Cognitive Neuroscience) from Georgetown University 2015. She is currently completing a postdoctoral fellowship in the Psychiatry Department at the University of Pittsburgh, where she designs and evaluates the effects of lifestyle interventions on cognitive and brain health.
Devon McIntyre, ’10
Devon is attending medical school at Cooper Medical School at Rowan University after working as a research assistant at Washington University in St. Louis and at the University of Pennsylvania.
Sara Field, ’11
Sara is a clinical social worker working with adults on inpatient medical and surgery units at Georgetown University Hospital. She received her Master of Social Work from the Catholic University of America with a concentration in clinical health. Prior to becoming a social worker, Sara was a research assistant at the National Institutes of Health’s Section on Growth and Obesity researching eating behaviors in overweight adolescents.
Liz Grasser, ’11
Liz recently completed her fourth year of medical school at Boston University and is currently applying for residencies in internal medicine.
Lauren Tracy, ’11
Lauren is working at Massachusetts General Hospital in the Food Allergy Research center as the Senior Clinical Research Coordinator in an ever-growing study team focused on clinical trials investigating the mechanistic and clinical outcomes of oral immunotherapy for peanut allergy (i.e., helping peanut-allergic kids and adults eat peanuts). She will be applying to medical school in the near future.
Stephanie LaRose-Sienkiewicz, ’12
Stephanie is in her third year of the doctoral program in Counseling Psychology at Boston College, where she previously earned her Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling. She works with Dr. James Mahalik on researching men and masculinities, particularly how masculine identities are connected to men’s health and interpersonal behavior. She is on practicum at Bentley University’s Counseling Center and beginning to dream up dissertation ideas.
Josef Broder, ’13 
Josef is currently working on a PsyD from Antioch University and finally learning how to drive.
Anna Caron, ’13
After Colby, Anna served two years with AmeriCorps at City Year NH. She served her first year mentoring and tutoring third graders and her second year as an AmeriCorps*VISTA fundraising for City Year. Anna is completing her M.Ed. in elementary education at UNH and plans to teach in Manchester School District. She is also the startup coordinator of Old Sol Music Hall, a nonprofit venue-in-the-making focused on leveraging the arts to creative positive community impact. She spends most of her free time exploring culinary arts with her partner Tyler, hanging with her stellar grandparents, and reading on topics ranging from education reform to Harry Potter to cooking blogs, and everything in between.
Adam LaViolet, ’13
Adam is a 6th grade science teacher in southern Maine. He received his teaching certification from the University of Southern Maine and will be obtaining his M.Ed. within the next couple of years.
Kayleigh Monahan, ’13
Kayleigh is currently working at IBM as a Software Solutions Professional in New York City.
Kate MacNamee, ’14
Kate got her master’s degree in cognitive neuroscience from the University of Utah and accepted a job as a medical human factors engineer at Farm Design Inc. in Hollis, NH.
Miia-Liisa Termonen, ’14
I am a person. And a poet, a psycho, and a martial artist. I like dogs, chocolate, and ice cream. Macs don’t like me, so I don’t like them. I have been told that I have a right to exist, and currently I’m exercising that right in this lab. I like plants,too; green in general. And polar bears. If I was a polar bear, I’d be sleeping soon. I wish I was a polar bear…
Abby Fontaine,’15
Abby is in her second year as a Ph.D. student in the developmental science program at UMass Amherst, where she works with Dr. Jen McDermott in the Learning Lab. Abby is beginning data collection for her master’s thesis on the effects of iPad use on young children’s attention networks.
Melissa Preziosi, ’15
Melissa is currently pursuing a PhD in Educational Psychology at the University of Utah in the Learning and Cognition program of study. She works in the labs of Professor John Kircher and Professor Anne Cook studying psychophysiological processes in the detection of deception and cognitive processes in reading. When not in the lab, she enjoys running and exploring the mountains of the Wasatch Range.
Kim Bourne, ’16
I am working for Tessa West as the lab manager of the West Interpersonal Perception Lab at NYU. I’m applying to PhD programs this fall, spending time running, exploring and eating good food!
Leah Cooney, ’16
I am a senior from San Francisco, California, and am majoring in Psychology, with a minor in Managerial Economics. I’ve worked in the lab since the spring of my sophomore year (though I was abroad the spring of my junior year). When I’m not in the lab, I love to hike, especially as a COOT leader, and explore new places. I am also an avid SF Giants fan and am always ready for a Harry Potter trivia competition, at any time and any place.
Sara LoTemplio, ’16
Sara is currently working for the Green Mountain Club in Vermont as a summit caretaker on Camel’s Hump. She will be moving out to Keystone, Colorado to work as a ski instructor in the late fall. In the meantime, she is reading quite a bit and applying for graduate schools. She is especially interested in attention restoration theory, which suggests that nature may have cognitive benefits, as well as environmental psychology.
Tara Nguyen, ’16
I’m a Psychology and Math double major from Vietnam. My research interests include working memory and visual attention. Outside of the lab, I also work as a Math TA and an ITS consultant, and I’ve been a CCAK mentor since my first semester at Colby. Fun fact #1: I have two cats and a dog. Fun fact #2: I have a Minnesota-born nephew named Bennie, who is the most adorable thing ever. Fun fact #3: I hate that Americans use the word “soccer” instead of “football,” the latter of which, I think, is a far more appropriate word to describe the sport. I’m also an avid LFC fan!
Sarah Boland, ’17
Hi! I’m a senior at Colby and am originally from Wakefield, Massachusetts. I am a double major in psychology and anthropology and I love music. I have been working with Professor Coane in the Memory and Language Lab since freshman year and have been mainly involved with projects focusing on testing and retrieval practice. A fun fact about me: I am a part of Colby Taiko, traditional Japanese drumming group 🙂
Shanna Grant, ’17
I joined the Memory and Language lab as an RA during my freshman year. I worked in the lab as an independent study student during my sophomore and junior years but returned as an RA during my senior year. I am currently applying to nursing programs, as I would like to work as a registered nurse for a few years before becoming a nurse practitioner.
Monique Legault, ’18
I am a sophomore from Cape Cod, Mass. I am a Psychology major with a double minor in Anthropology and Human Development. My favorite aspect of the lab research is the false memory experiments. When I’m not in the lab you can find me working in Miller library, running or playing soccer. After Colby I hope to become an occupational therapist for kids.
Jocelyn Ng, ’18
I’m a sophomore from Hong Kong. Right now, my major is neurobiology with potential minors in creative writing and environmental studies. I started working in the lab the summer after freshman year. At Colby, I’m a writing tutor at the Farnham Writers’ Center and I work for SHOC (Students Health On Campus). I’m also a part of Colby Women’s Rugby and love being outdoors. When I’m not doing any of these things, you’ll probably find me listening to music and writing in my journal.
Yi-Pei Lo, ’18
Hello! I’m a senior at Colby. I am double majoring in Psychology and French Studies with a minor in math. This year, I am doing an honor thesis about memory and learning under the supervision of Professor Coane. Beyond my lab work, I serve as a Chinese tutor in the East Asian Department. In my spare time, I enjoy photographing, exploring museums, and eating Japanese food.
Jake Lester, ’18
Hi, I hail from Medfield, MA. I am excited to be working in the Memory and Language Lab this year as a senior. Other things I am involved with around campus are Student Government as the Class of 2018 Co Class President, athletics as a runner for cross country and track teams, and the Jazz Band as a Drummer. I also really like hiking, skiing, mountain biking and taking photos! I am excited to see where my interest in Psychology takes me in the coming years.
Cole Walsh, ’19
I am a senior from Falmouth, Maine, majoring in Psychology and English! I am excited to be working in the Memory & Language Lab in conjunction with the Cognitive Development Lab to examine how cognition changes across the lifespan. On campus, I am involved with Powder & Wig and Mediocre acapella! I can also usually be found drinking tea and watching period dramas.
Bridget Horwood, ’19
I’m a senior from Westchester, New York. I am double majoring in Psychology and French with a minor in managerial economics. I joined the lab my freshman year and since then have been working on a project comparing the memory benefits of testing and enactment in learning Chemistry. Other activities that I am involved in on campus include being a member of the Varsity Women’s Lacrosse Team and a Colby Cares About Kids mentor.
Jen Rosenthal, ’20
I am a first year at Colby, originally from (you guessed it) just outside of Boston, MA. My favorite subjects are psychology, chemistry, and English, but I am still undecided for my major. In my free time, when I’m not studying in the library or working at the lab, you’ll see me dancing in the aerobics room or playing with dogs and cats at the Humane Society. After college, I hope to attend medical school and eventually become an obstetrician.
Simon Xu, ’20
Hi, I am junior at Colby. I am not very talkative. But I guess I could anthropomorphize.
Tamar Cimenian, ’20
I am a senior from Wells, Maine, majoring in psychology with a double minor in astronomy and Russian. I joined the cognitive and baby labs in the summer of 2018 and have had a blast working on current event memory and toddler acculturation projects! I also work as a Russian tutor and am a member of the Academic Integrity Committee. Outside of classes I do far too many things, including wind ensemble, taiko drumming, fencing, running, theatre, and dance. I can usually be found reading strange books and wearing strange hats.
Sam Gray, ’20
I am a junior from northern Maine! I am hoping to major in Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience. I love learning about the brain and I also enjoy staying active! I love to ski and hike. You might see me at Davis or Miller doing work or maybe squeezing in a late night lift in at the AC. After college, I don’t know exactly what I want to do but I am pre-med and aspire to work in the medical field or in research.
ilin McManus, ’20
I’m a senior from Falmouth, Massachusetts! I am double majoring in Psychology and Biology with a concentration in Neuroscience. I joined the lab at the beginning of last year and have been working on a few false memory projects. On campus, I am also a tutor for Psychology, and I’m involved in several clubs including Active Minds and Partners in Health Engage. I love days at the beach, running, psychological thrillers, and eating peanut butter.
Nina Antone, ’20 (bio not available)
Erica Chung, ’22
I am a sophomore from Sichuan China. I haven’t declared my major yet but I’m really interested in Psychology and Neuroscience. I joined the lab last year and I’m excited to be working on several interesting memory projects here. I love jogging (but probably not in Maine’s winter), playing badminton, and reading books about fun facts.