Jim Fleming (Colby STS) was cited in CNN piece on clifi at the movies

Jim Fleming (Colby STS) was cited in CNN piece on clifi at the movies

Cli-fi (climate fiction) on the big screen changes minds about real climate change, https://edition.cnn.com/2019/02/08/world/climate-change-movies-eprise/index.html

And a link to my book, “Fixing the Sky”!
Fleming, one of the world’s better-known history of science experts that focuses on climate change, said “Snowpiercer” was a “free airplane flick.” He watched it, ironically, on his way home from a geoengineering conference “where I had lecture on the insanity of planetary intervention.”
He found the class conflict and the revolution on the train interesting, as (spoiler alert) was the ending. “Two survivors of the inevitable train wreck (both people of color) seem to foreshadow a new beginning and a hopeful future,” Fleming, the Charles A. Dana professor of science, technology and society at Colby College, wrote in an email. “Yet a hungry polar bear looks down on them. The film ends suddenly before the polar bear has his dinner.”