October Events


Oct. 3, 2014 University of South Carolina: Departments of Geography and History, 3:30 pm,  Callcott 201, A New Look at Atmospheric Science and Technology: 1900-1960

Oct. 9-10 2014 Invited talk for the conférence internationale, Images environnementales globales: nouvelles perspectives, Espace Isadora Duncan, Paris-Meudon, France, Imag(e)ining Technocultures: Big picture framings

Oct. 17, 2014 Colby Family Weekend: STS Program, 4:00 pm, Lovejoy 100, Anne Louise Beck (1896-1982): Bringing Bergen Methods to the US. The most important scientist you have never heard about.

Oct. 24, 2014 Rotman Institute of Philosophy, London, Ontario, Candada, Invited talk for Climate Modelling and the Epistemology of Climate Change9:00 am-5:00 pm, Ivey-Spencer Leadership Centre, Dynamic climatology: Historical perspectives on shape-shifting nouns