Clavis canonum: Selected canon law collections, 385-1234 — Online database search [internet resource]

Gero Dolezalek, Medieval Manuscripts of Canon Law and Roman Law [internet resource]

Abigail Firey, The Carolingian Canon Law Project [internet resource]

Johann Georg Theodor Grässe, Orbis Latinus [html]

Johann Georg Theodor Grässe. Orbis Latinus: Lexicon lateinischer geographischer Namen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Berlin: Richard Carl Schmidt, 1909. Hosted by Columbia University.

Gregor Haloander, Modus legendi abbreviaturas. [pdf]

Gregor Haloander. Modus legendi abbreviaturas passim in iure tam civili, quam pontificio occurrentes. Rome: Typis Gulielmi Facciotti, 1623. Reprint Bononia: A. Forni, 1989. Hosted by Colby College.

Paul Halsall, Internet Medieval Sourcebook [internet resource]

Wilfried Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington, eds., The history of medieval canon law in the classical period, 1140-1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX. [searchable fulltext]

The history of medieval canon law in the classical period, 1140-1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX. Edited by Wilfried Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2008. Hosted by Google books.

Karl J. von Hefele, trans. H. Leclercq. Histoire des conciles d’apres les documents originaux. [text-searchable pdf of all volumes]

Karl J. von Hefele. Histoire des conciles d’apres les documents originaux. Translated by H. Leclercq. Paris: Letouzey, 1907. Hosted by

Walther Holtzmann Catalog of the Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law [internet resource]

Y. Lassard & A. Koptev, The Roman Law Library [internet resource]

Giovan Domenico Mansi. Sacrorum conciliorum nova, et amplissima collectio. [pdf of all volumes]

Giovan Domenico Mansi. Sacrorum conciliorum nova, et amplissima collectio. Florence, 1759. Hosted by Documenta Catholica Omnia.

The ORB: Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies [internet resource]

Kenneth Pennington and Charles Donahue, Jr., Bio-Biblographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists [internet resource]

Kenneth Pennington, Medieval Legal History website [internet resource]

Edward Peters, [internet resource]

Schedario Baumgarten. [pdf of vols. 1-3]

Schedario Baumgarten. Descrizione diplomatica di bolle e brevi originali da Innocenzo III a Pio IX. Riproduzione anastatica.  Edited by Giulio Battelli and Gergio Pagano. Vatican: Presso l’Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 1965-1986. Hosted by the Vatican Secret Archives.

August Theiner. Disquisitiones criticae. [text-searchable pdf]

August Theiner. Disquisitiones criticae. Rome: Collegio Urbano, 1836. Hosted by Colby College.

Otto Vervaart, Rechsthistorie: A Gateway to Legal history [internet resource]