Genes, genomes and growth; beetles, bugs and bees

Category Developmental biology

The Problems With Growth

The title of this post is a reference to two things on my mind. The first is that, as our lives get more complicated somethings inevitably, if unfortunately, fall by the way side. One example of this is the 5-year… Continue Reading →

Postdoc in wing polyphenism

My lab at Colby College has an opening for a postdoc, supported by NSF funding through April 2019. The project takes an integrative set of approaches to examine the developmental mechanisms and evolution of wing polyphenism is soapberry bugs.

Funding for wing polyphenism study

The Colby Magazine has broken news that the lab will be supported over the next five years by a grant from NSF. The funds will support work on an integrative investigation of wing polyphenism in the red-shouldered soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma…. Continue Reading →

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