Colby student Hang Phan ’26 shares final project from Jan Plan course Antimundo, taught by Lunder Institute Senior Fellow Oscar Santillán This course is about the future; the future here

Brown Ash Endangerment and Indigenous Solutions
Brown ash trees, also known as black ash, are critically endangered throughout the state of Maine. The emerald ash borer (EAB), a parasitic beetle that has already killed ash trees

Nineteenth-Century Automata and Our Visual Culture Today
In the summer of 2018, I was the collections intern for the Murtogh D. Guinness Collection of Mechanical Musical Instruments and Automata at the Morris Museum in Morristown, New Jersey.

Selections from Writing Art Criticism: Senior Show 2019
As participants in Colby’s studio program developed their work for the Senior Art Exhibition this spring, students in my Writing Art Criticism class researched and wrote interpretive essays for the

Selections from Writing Art Criticism: Senior Show 2019
As participants in Colby’s studio program developed their work for the Senior Art Exhibition this spring, students in my Writing Art Criticism class researched and wrote interpretive essays for the

Selections from Writing Art Criticism: Senior Show 2019
As participants in Colby’s studio program developed their work for the Senior Art Exhibition this spring, students in my Writing Art Criticism class researched and wrote interpretive essays for the

Art + Storytelling at the Colby College Museum of Art
Stories help us to make meaning of our lives and the world around us. They relate our experiences to a broad cultural and emotional landscape. In teaching us to ask

A Summer of Art with Grafton Tyler Brown
Working at the Colby Museum of Art last summer as a curatorial intern opened my eyes to the inner workings of an art museum. My job was to assist the

Walls of Colby
As Colby students, we first see the spaces we live in as bare, white-walled rooms, devoid of any evidence of human presence. They feel alien at first—disconcertingly empty boxes we’ll inhabit for nine months, but never really own. We wage war against this unfamiliarity and temporariness through the decoration and personalization of our dorm room walls.

Art, Community, and Ethical Urban Development
Students enrolled in the course hosted Theaster in a class discussion, joined him on a tour of Waterville’s South End, attended multiple community meetings arranged around his visit, and traveled to Chicago to visit some of his projects on the South Side. These are some of their responses to that experience.