Preparing for your trip
Colby guidelines and expectations
- Complete the trip request form
- Once your trip is approved, Kimberley LaPointe, the administrative assistant for the Chemistry department (email: [email protected] ), will contact you regarding administrative and logistical support for your trip. Kimberely will make your hut reservations, arrange for transportation, and contact MH&T staff with the details of your trip.
- You must ask each member of your group about food allergies or other dietary preferences (e.g., vegan, vegetarian, etc.)
- Each member of your trip must sign a photo release form. This is a Colby College requirement. Kimberley will provide these for you.
MH&T Guidelines and expectations
- recommendations
- printable packing list
- Group leader guidelines
- Guest Information Form This is basically an emergency contact form that MUST be completed by everyone on your trip