History: Leverett S. Baldwin

It is unclear how early Baldwin started out in the brewing business, but his earliest listing in 1849 in Saco when he was approximately thirty-three years old. He ran a confectionery business where he also brewed small beer. In 1850, his wife Aseneth Baldwin gave birth to their daughter, Anna Baldwin.  Baldwin later moved to Biddeford and operated out of 38 Elm as a small beer manufacturer in 1860. He moved his operation to the rear of 60 Elm in 1868 and continued brewing till his death in 1870 or 1871. Anna worked in a cotton mill around the time of her father’s death.

Baldwin’s career in Biddeford took place along Elm Street, where he occupied two different locations throughout the years. Image from Sanford, Everts & Co’s Atlas of York County, ME, 1872. Courtesy of AncestryLibrary.com


Will Anderson, The Great State of Maine Beer Book (Portland: Anderson & Sons’ Publishing Co., 1996) 43.
Biddeford Business Directory, 1870.
Saco City Directory, 1849.
U. S. Census, 1870.