Judy L. Stone
Oak Professor of Biological Sciences
Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901
[email protected]
Ph.D., Department of Ecology and Evolution, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1994.
Organization for Tropical Studies, Tropical Biology: An Ecological Approach, 1989.
Master of Forest Science, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, 1987.
Bachelor of Forestry, The University of Michigan, 1981.
Professional History
Program Officer, Evolutionary Processes Cluster, Division of Environmental Biology, National Science Foundation, 2021-2023.
Professor of Biology, Colby College, 2013-present.
Dr. Charles C. and Pamela W. Leighton Research Fellow, 2015-2018.
Chair, Department of Biology, Colby College, 2014-2017.
Associate Chair of Biology, Colby College, 2008-2010.
Associate Professor of Biology, Colby College, January 2006-2013.
Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Biology, Colby College, 1999 – 2005.
Postdoctoral researcher, Duke University, 1995 – 1999.
Selected Publications
Stone, J. L., J. Flores, and L. Bohs. 2024. Phylogenetic relationships of Brachistus and Witheringia (Solanaceae). Systematic Botany, in press.
Lopez, J., and J. L. Stone. 2018. Single planting creates expanding naturalized population of Quercus palustris far from its native range limit. Rhodora 120: 143-153.
Stone, J. L. R. Malloy, and K. G. Murray. 2017. Diversity of seeds captured by interception exceeds diversity of seeds deposited in traps. Biotropica 49: 303-308.
Wheelwright, N. T., E. Begin, C. Ellwanger, S. H. Taylor, and J. L. Stone. 2016. Minimal loss of genetic diversity and no inbreeding depression in blueflag iris (Iris versicolor) on islands in the Bay of Fundy. Botany 94: 543-554.
Stone, J. L., E. J. VanWyk, and J. R. Hale. 2014. Transmission advantage favors selfing allele in experimental populations of self-incompatible Witheringia solanacea (Solanaceae). Evolution 68:1845-1855.
Stone, J. L., P. A. Crystal, E. E. Devlin, R. H. LeB. Downer, and D. S. Cameron. 2012. Highest genetic diversity at the northern range limit of the rare orchid Isotria medeoloides. Heredity 109: 215-221.
Stone, J. L., E. E. Wilson, and A. S. Kwak. 2010. Embryonic inbreeding depression varies among populations and by mating system in Witheringia solanacea (Solanaceae). American Journal of Botany 97: 1328-1333.
Stone, J. L., and E. G. Jenkins. 2008. Pollinator abundance and pollen limitation of a Solanaceous shrub at premontane and lower montane sites. Biotropica 40: 55-61.
Stone, J. L., and B. A. Drummond. 2006. Rare estuary monkeyflower in Merrymeeting Bay is genetically distinct. Northeastern Naturalist 13: 179-190.
Stone, J. L., M. A. Sasuclark, and C. P. Blomberg. 2006. Variation in stylar RNase production and the self-incompatibility response within and among populations of the tropical shrub Witheringia solanacea (Solanaceae). American Journal of Botany 93(4): 592-598.
Stone, J. L. and S. E. Pierce. 2005. Rapid recent radiation of S-RNase lineages in Witheringia solanacea (Solanaceae). Heredity 94: 547-555.
Stone, J. L., 2004. Sheltered load associated with S-alleles in Solanum carolinense. Heredity 92: 335-342.
Stone, J. L. 2002. Molecular mechanisms underlying the breakdown of gametophytic self-incompatibility. Quarterly Review of Biology 77: 17-32.
Stone, J. L., and A. F. Motten. 2002. Anther-stigma separation is associated with inbreeding depression in Datura stramonium, a predominantly self-fertilizing annual. Evolution 56: 2187-2195.
Motten, A. F., and J. L. Stone. 2000. Heritability of stigma position and the effect of stigma-anther separation on outcrossing in a predominantly self-fertilizing weed, Datura stramonium (Solanaceae). American Journal of Botany 87: 339-347.
Stone, J. L. 1996. Components of pollinator effectiveness in Psychotria suerrensis, a tropical distylous shrub. Oecologia 107: 504-512.
Stone, J. L. 1996. Pollen donation in a tropical distylous shrub (Psychotria suerrensis; Rubiaceae). American Journal of Botany 82: 1390-1398.
Stone, J. L., J. D. Thomson, and S. J. Dent-Acosta. 1995. Assessment of pollen viability in hand-pollination experiments: a review. American Journal of Botany 82: 1186-1197.
Stone, J. L., and J. D. Thomson. 1994. The evolution of heterostyly: pollen transfer in artificial flowers. Evolution 48: 1595-1606.
Campbell, D. G., J. L. Stone, and A. Rosas, Jr. 1992. A comparison of the phytosociology and dynamics of three floodplain (Várzea) forests of known ages, Rio Juruá, western Brazilian Amazon. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 108: 213-237.
Thomson, J. D., E. A. Herre, J. L. Hamrick, and J. L. Stone. 1991. Genetic mosaics in strangler fig trees: Implications for tropical conservation. Science 254: 1214-1216.
Gurevitch, J. P. Wilson, J. L. Stone, P. Teese, and R. J. Stoutenburgh. 1990. Competition among old-field perennials at different levels of soil fertility and available space. Journal of Ecology 78: 727-744.
Irland, L. C., J. B. Dimond, J. L. Stone, J. Falk, and E. Baum. 1988. The spruce budworm outbreak in Maine in the 1970’s- Assessment and directions for the future. Maine Agriculture Experiment Station Bulletin 819, University of Maine, Orono.
Selected Funding
ROA supplement to NSF-ARTS: Taxonomy and phylogeny of Capsicum and Lycianthes (Solanaceae) Lynn Bohs, P.I., 2017-2018, $38,340
RUI: Gene flow, selection, and maintenance of mating system diversity on an ecological gradient. National Science Foundation (DEB 0841482), 2009-2013. $306,632.
Microsatellite development for analysis of genetic structure of the rare orchid Isotria medeoloides. Maine Department of Conservation. May 2006 –June 2007. $6000.
NSF award (INT-0305459) U.S.-Costa Rica Collaboration: Ecological and Genetic Effects on the Breakdown of Self-incompatibility Nov. 15 2003 – April 30, 2005. $32,285
Experimental and theoretical studies of the coevolution of inbreeding depression and mating system (with M.K. Uyenoyama). National Science Foundation, 1997-2000. $235,000.
Selected External Service
Secretary, Society for the Study of Evolution. 2009-2012.
Treasurer, Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium 2008-2019.
Panelist, National Science Foundation Evolutionary Processes Panel, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2020.
Committee of Visitors, National Science Foundation Division of Environmental Biology, 2015, 2019.