Alex de Waal’s Publications


Making Sense of Sudan
“Started by Alex de Waal in 2007, MSS has become an institution for those wishing to understand the country and the many issues raised by its politics, humanitarian crises and international engagement.”


  • 1989: Famine that Kills: Darfur, Sudan
    Explores causes of famine and survival methods related to the Darfur famines of 1984.  Stresses traditional survival methods and de-emphasizes international aid.
  • 1990: War in Sudan: An Analysis of Conflict
    Analyzes the roots of civil war between Northern and Southern Sudan.
  • 1991: Evil days: Thirty Years of War and Famine in Ethiopia
    Criticizes strategies of aid dispersal by external agencies/governments, discusses the ways in which such methods can exacerbate conflicts.
  • 1995: Facing Genocide: The Nuba of Sudan
    Characterizes the “war” in the Nuba mountains as government-sponsored genocide and explores the situation in depth.
  • 1997: Famine crimes: Politics & the Disaster Relief Industry in Africa
    Presents the unintended consequences of “famine aid” in Africa and criticizes Western misconceptions of aid and “humanitarian intervention” as forms of neocolonialism.
  • 2000: Who Fights? Who Cares?: War and Humanitarian Action in Africa  (Editor)
    Various essays explore aspects of war in Africa and the prospects for peace in the future.
  • 2001: The Phoenix State: Civil Society and the Future of Sudan  (Editor)
    Explores social and political aspects of Sudanese national unifying process as the country appears to approach peace.
  • 2002: Demilitarizing the Mind: African Agendas for Peace and Security   (Editor)
    Analyzes the militarization of African governance and prospects for alternatives.
  • 2002: Young Africa: Realising the Rights of Children and Youth  (Editor)
    Details the plight of African children, as well as the manner in which they are reciprocally informing their societies.
  • 2002: When Peace Comes: Civil Society and Development in Sudan  (Editor)
    Explores the challenges Sudan will face in the coming years.
  • 2004: Islamism and its Enemies in the Horn of Africa (Editor)
    Analysis of the spread of militant Islam in the Horn of Africa and its implications for the region’s future social dynamic.
  • 2006: AIDS and Power: Why there is no Political Crisis—Yet
    De Waal raises the question of why the AIDS epidemic has been so poorly handled in Africa and contends that imposed Western frameworks for prevention and treatment are inappropriate for Africa.
  • 2007: War in Darfur and the Search for Peace
    A collection of essays detailing the various origins of conflict in Darfur, aspects of the conflict, and its contemporary status as well as implications for the future.

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