Welcome to Biochemistry of the Cell II! From here you can access valuable course materials, including laboratory handouts, powerpoints, and the syllabus (BC368-syllabus-24). Choose the Course Materials tab to access powerpoints (you must be logged in). Thanks to Peter Wirth ’16 for the cover photo!
Here is a link to the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man webpages, which may be very useful when writing your case studies (OMIM).
Link to sign up for case studies is here.
Please print enough copies of your case study for everyone (31 copies). To post your case study to the course page, choose New…Post on the bar at the top of the page. Change the category to Case Studies. Add a new block, find the “document” selection, and upload your document to the site.
Case study rubric is here: CaseStudyRubric-BC368
For those who might want to choose a data-based case, rather than a medical-based case, here is an example: ModelCaseStudy-DATA