At Colby, there is an unfortunate aura of confusion and mystery surrounding course evaluations. Below you will find (almost?) all my course evaluations. I am providing them to provide a snapshot of what one apparently successful Colby faculty member’s evaluations look like. In particular, I wish to emphasize that the existence of vicious comments and semesters or courses with significantly lower ratings is (in my view) completely normal. The obvious caveats apply:
- I have no idea if these evaluations helped or hurt my tenure case,
- I am not representative of other Colby faculty, including those in my own department. Whatever conclusions you draw from my evaluations are likely not applicable to other faculty.
- Student populations and college culture change over time.
I would like to encourage a culture of transparency and to do my part to allow junior faculty to read the course evaluations of senior faculty. Evaluations from 2008 (when I started Colby) to 2010 were not electronic and I never got around to scanning them. Some individual comments have been omitted to protect privacy of students.
- A plot I made of post-tenure numerical ratings for what used to be Question 8 (“Overall the instructor’s teaching in this course was effective”) on the evaluations. The size of dots represents the student population. The height is the percentage of respondents indicating “strongly agree or agree” and the color is shaded to indicate the proportion responding strongly agree.
- F10 MA274: Summary Individual MA302 (now 262): Summary Individual
- S11 MA111: Summary Individual MA 302: Summary Individual
- F11 MA122D: Summary Individual MA122C: Summary Individual MA274: Summary Individual
- S12 MA 262: Summary Individual MA 314: Summary Individual
- F13 MA122B: Summary Individual MA122D: Summary Individual MA274: Summary Individual
- S14 MA 274: Summary Individual MA314: Summary Individual
- F14 MA 253: Summary Individual MA 274: Summary Individual MA 331: Summary Individual
- S15 MA 111: Summary Individual MA274: Summary Individual
- F15 MA274: Summary Individual MA313: Summary Individual
- S16 MA 274: Summary Individual
- F16 MA274: Summary Individual MA314: Summary Individual
- S17 MA 274: SummaryA SummaryB IndividualA IndividualB
- F17 MA122: Summary Individual MA397: Summary
- S18 MA 274: Summary Individual MA 434: Summary Individual
- F18 MA 274: Summary Individual MA 331: Summary Individual
- S19 MA 262: Combined MA 274: Combined
- F19/S20 sabbatical
- F20 MA 397 (Knot Theory)
- J21 MA 102 (omitted since I taught only 1/2 the course)
- S21 MA 121 MA 262A MA 262B
- F21 MA 130A MA 130B MA 130C