ColbySTEM Faculty are world-class scholars fully committed to the undergraduate liberal arts experience. Chemistry Professor Karena McKinney: Mapping a Clearer Picture of Air Pollution’s Effects. The Past All Around Us: On Mayflower Hill, biologist Abby Pearson reveals ways the land has been shaped by human hand. -By Gerry Boyle ’78 | Photography by Gabe Souza Colby Astronomers Dale Kocevski and Elizabeth McGrath Among First to Use James Webb Space Telescope. As Forests Return, Environmental Studies Professor Justin Becknell is watching. Welcome to Allen Island: CAPS students explore with Professor Cathy Bevier. Bess Koffman Awarded NSF Grant to Develop a New Approach to “Fingerprinting” Atmospheric Dust. Photo by Yoon S. Byun Assistant Professor of Biology Tariq Ahmad works in his Olin Science Center laboratory. Ahmad is exploring genetic triggers for neurodegenerative diseases. Justice for Islands that Suffer Most -Professor of Environmental Studies Stacy Ann Robinson. Science phobic? Frank Fekete can fix that – and, perhaps, some global problems. Professor of Psychology Jennifer Coane is an expert in the science of memory, studying how we construct false memories, how memory changes as we age, and how to apply cognitive psychology to study techniques. In August 2015 she received a $600,000 scholar award from the James S. McDonnell Foundation for her work in understanding human cognition—a prestigious award the foundation typically gives to scientists at large research universities. The Mystery of Infection: Suegene Noh’s new study seeks to uncover how and why amoebas react differently to the same bacteria. Environmental Studies Professor Loren McClenachan: Revealing the long wake people leave upon oceans. A New Window Into Children’s Memory: Professor of Psychology Martha Arterberry’s new study comes with implications for eyewitness testimonies. Professor Dave Angelini studies wing polyphenism in soapberry bugs. His research has been supported by a prestigious NSF CAREER grant. Professor of Physics and Astronomy Duncan Tate’s optical table holds sophisticated instrumentation that he and his student researchers keep finely tuned in order to obtain precise results for his cutting-edge research on ultracold neutral plasmas. Banned But Still Toxic: Gail Carlson serves notice that chemicals in ski racers’ waxes still lurk at the starting line.