Summer and Jan Plan are the times that students are most likely to seek an off-campus science experience (though fall and spring semester opportunities are possible).  These opportunities will typically be paid through your host institution.  If you find or arrange an unpaid opportunity off-campus, you may apply for funding to cover your expenses via DavisConnects Student Funding – see below under Colby-Sponsored Off-Campus Science Opportunities.

Non-Colby-Sponsored Off-Campus Science Opportunities:  These are funded and managed by other institutions (this list is updated regularly but is not an exhaustive list).

Colby-Sponsored Off-Campus Science Opportunities:

Handshake:  Some summer and Jan Plan positions will be listed on Handshake and will be designated as funded by DavisConnects, Linde Packman Lab, or other Colby funding sources.  The advantage of these positions is that you are not competing nationally/internationally for the position, but rather only among Colby students.  You are encouraged to create a Handshake account early in your Colby career.

SIO – Student-Initiated Opportunity:  If you find an opportunity that does not pay you or does not cover all of your expenses, you may apply for funding via DavisConnects

DavisConnects Summer EdGE Program: Numerous opportunities for local and global engagement, some with a STEM focus.

If you are a Ralph J. Bunche or Presidential Scholar, and you still have funds left in your account, you will apply in the DavisConnects General Application portal, followed by the General Application Part II, where you will select the Bunche or Presidential Scholars as your potential funding source.

If your proposed opportunity is related to biosciences, you will apply in the General Application portal, followed by the General Application Part II, where you will select the Linde Packman Lab for Biosciences Innovation as your potential funding source.

If your proposed opportunity is in the sciences but is not related to bioscience, you will apply in the General Application portal, and select DavisConnects Opportunities as your potential funding source, unless you are a Pulver Science Scholar (see next item).

If you are a Pulver Science Scholar, you will apply in the General Application portal, followed by the General Application Part II, where you will select the Linde Packman Lab for Biosciences Innovation as your potential funding source (even if your project is not related to biosciences).  There, you will select Pulver Science Scholar as your designation.

If you are an international student and are therefore not eligible for most Non-Colby-Sponsored Off-Campus Opportunities, you should consider applying for funding via the DavisConnects General Application.

FAQs:  Off-Campus Science Opportunities

For On-Campus Science Activities