
Colby College is soliciting student posters for display and presentation at the conference. These posters will not be considered as part of the conservation innovation contest for students, but will provide an additional opportunity for students to share the work they have done related to large landscape conservation.

Abstracts for posters must be submitted to and accepted by conference organizers in order for posters to be included in the conference. The submission deadline is January 1, 2013. Abstracts must be submitted as PDF documents, and file names must use the following format: lastname_firstinitial_school. Please send abstracts to [email protected]. The cover email should include author name, school name, program name, program type (undergraduate, Masters, PhD, or other), class year (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) if applicable, home country, and contact email, as well as a copy of the abstract pasted into the body of the email.

The authors of the posters are responsible for having them printed. Posters should be 36″ tall by 48″ wide.

If you have questions about poster format or submissions, please contact conference organizers at [email protected].