Goldie began collecting data in early April 2016. Check back in a few weeks for plots from the 2016 season and comparisons to 2014.
The following slides show typical views of Great Pond’s current temperature, oxygen, and plankton abundance while the buoy was deployed. We welcome your comments on new or improved ways to display the data.
1) A cartoon of the lake conditions. Most items like wind, oxygen and temperature are physical measurements. Surface flow, upwelling/downwelling, and Secchi depth are computed parameters. We are still working on the upwelling/downwelling arrow. Secchi depth is only displayed during the day since we use light attenuation to compute this value.
2) Stability, deep oxygen, and biomass in Great Pond in 2014 and 2016
4) Temperature at all depth in Great Pond (top panel) and biomass (bottom panel). Notice how the surface of the lake warms in the summer and cools in the fall. Mixing events are marked by sudden changes in temperature. These are often followed a week later by blooms.
5) Heat maps of Great Pond on 2014 and 2016. This is the same data shown in Figure 4, but plotted as a contour map (also known as a heat map). The thermocline is visible at 8 meters as a rapid change in temperature.
6) Surface water temp, computed Secchi and biomass, and rain over the last two weeks.
7) Heat map of Great Pond temperatures over the last two weeks.
8) Wind vectors and temperature of Great Pond over the last two weeks.
9) Light and Oxygen at four depths over the last two weeks.
10) Current temperature and oxygen profile of Great Pond.
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