
Feed ME nutrition lessons were crafted using three books. The curriculums Eat Well and Keep Moving: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Teaching Upper Elementary School Nutrition and Physical Activity and Food Day School Curriculum provided me with lesson ideas, worksheets, and  images. I used the book How to Teach Nutrition to Kids as a source of content and a tool to organize lessons.

  • Cheung, Lilian W.Y., Gortmaker, Steven L., & Dart, Hank 2001. Eat Well and Keep Moving: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Teaching Upper Elementary School Nutrition and Physical Activity. Champaign, Human Kinetics.
  • Contento, Isobel, Koch, Pamela 2011. “Eat Real.” In Food Day School Curriculum. New York, Teachers’ College of Columbia University: 8-29.
  • Liakos Evers, Connie 2003. How to Teach Nutrition to Kids. Portland, Carrot Press.

All of the images in this website are hyperlinked to their original source, with the exception of photographs or images that I created. The students whose images are included in this website gave their consent to be photographed. Their teacher, Mrs. Hiltz, possesses their consent forms. Images in the lesson slideshows are cited in the notes section of each slide.
