Getting Started


We had a great first expedition out on the lake this past week. We took a quick tour around the Colby Outing Club cabin to look at the new trees and shrubberies that have been planted to act as a buffer to decrease nutrient and sediment runoff into the lake. With these new plantings and other measures taken by Colby, the cabin was able to achieve the Lake Smart Award. You too can achieve Lake Smart status and help keep your lake healthy! We then cruised across the Lake to the Belgrade Lakes Association and learned about their milfoil eradication program.

Our first sampling expedition is this Thursday! We will be taking copious amounts of water samples as well as sediment core samples from the bottom of the lake. We are all very excited to begin sampling, feel free to ask us any questions you have about nutrients, lake health, or what you can do to preserve your lakes for the future.


Michael Stephens